
Gun (Current Game) ßETA name Real Gun Name
PP7 Walther PPK Walther PPk
DD44 Dostovei TT33 TT33 Tokorev
KF7 Soviet KF7 Soviet? ASK47
Klobb Spyder WVZ61 Scorpion
ZMG (9mm) ZMG (9mm)? UZI?/Automatic sub machine gun (9mm)
AR33 Assault Rifle M16? M16 rifle?
RC-P90 RC-P90? P-90
Phantom ? Spectre
D5K Destuche ? ?
Shotgun Shotgun? Shotgun
Automatic Shotgun Automatic Shotgun? Automatic Shotgun
Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle
Plastique Plastique? Plastic Bomb
Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher
Cougar Magnum Blackhawk Magnum Magnum
Hand Grenade Hand Grenade Hand Grenade
Golden Gun The gun is fictional, in the movie it was made from a lighter.
Moonraker Laser Again this is fictional, lasers can burn and cut and grieviously damage... but I do not know of a laser that was designed to kill. Let alone shoot blue beams.
Taser boy Taser's really exist, there was no ßeta name for it unless it replaced the taser.